Natural Language Processing - A Machine Learning Perspective / Spring 2023


Course Description

This online course is based on the recently released textbook, Natural Language Processing - a Machine Learning Perspective, written by Dr. Yue Zhang & Dr. Zhiyang Teng and published by Cambridge University Press. The course is taught in Chinese, English version of the class will be updated in future releases. Professor Yue Zhang is the principal inverstigator of the Text Intelligence Lab, Westlake University, and a well-known NLP researcher. You may find more detailed information at his personal page or Google Scholar. Course updates are in progress on our bilibili account, WestlakeNLP, do not hesitate to follow us! In this page, we will keep updating course slides.

《自然语言处理在线课程》系列视频是张岳老师编写的《Natural Language Processing: A Machine Learning Perspective (机器学习视角下的自然语言处理)》一书的对应课程。

张岳老师是西湖大学工学院文本智能实验室PI(Principal Investigator,特聘研究员),NLP(Natural Language Processing,自然语言处理)学者,详情可见个人主页谷歌学术





Teaching Assistants

Pai Liu